Keep your running gear from coming unhinged.
Propeller shafts are large pieces of metal that penetrate your hull while spinning many thousands of revolutions every mile you travel. What could go wrong? In the near calamity I shared in I Learned About Boating From This, a prop shaft slid from its coupling, which left me with one engine and no steering near a notorious reef. I also had a large hole below the waterline instead of a shaft inside its stuffing box, and it could have been worse. Here’s a look at a few problems to avoid.
Quick Tip: Tightening prop nuts by wedging a block of wood between the hull and one blade can misshape that blade. Instead, Hale says, hit the wrench with a heavy block of wood. “Instead of linear force, you’re using shock force, which you can overcome just by holding the prop with your hand.”
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